The average distance between Earth and Moon is
approximately 30 times Earth's diameter. The distance between Earth and Moon is 384,399
km, or 238,854 miles.
in mind that this number is an average. The Moon actually follows an elliptical
path around the Earth. When it’s at its closest point, the distance between
Earth and Moon is only 363,104 km. And then when it’s out at its most distant
point, the distance is 405,696 km.
If you walk continuously from the
Earth to the Moon, it will take you about 10 years to reach the Moon.
If you
could fly to the Moon at a constant speed of 1000 kilometers per hour, which is
the speed of a fast passenger jet, it would take sixteen days to get there.
Apollo astronauts reached the Moon in less than four days even though they
coasted "uphill" almost the entire distance. They got a fast start.
If I walk continuously from the Earth to the Moon, I'll be a 44 years old woman...